Course Information
This course includes the following topics: Introduction; Vision and Mission Statement; COFSS Life Saving Rules; EH&S Policy Statement; Quality Program; Employee Rules and Responsibilities; Use of Personal Electronic Devices; Smoking/Tobacco Use; Off Limits Areas; Harassment/Bullying; Employee Input Via QR Code Poster; Stop Work Authority; PPE; Respiratory Protection; Safe Work Practices; Permits; JSAs; Removal of Equipment with LOTO Tags; Housekeeping; Safe Lifting Practices; Tool Inspections; Floor and Wall Openings; Scaffold Use, Bolting (Torque and Tensioning); Barricades; Equipment Use; Insulation; Compressed Gas Cylinders; HazCom; Line Breaking; LOTO; First Aid & Emergency Procedures; Spills, Fire, Leak, Evacuations, and other Emergency; Asbestos, Lead, Cadmium, and Benzene for Affected Personnel; Donning/Doffing Chemical Suits; Safe Operation of Grinder; Supplied Air, Bottle Watch, and Breather Box Training; Hand and Power Tools; Fire Prevention, Fire Watch, Confined Space – Attendant, Entrant and Supervisor; Classes of Fires and Fire Tetrahedron; Confined Spaces; Hexavalent Chromium; Access to Medical and Exposure Records; and Silica.
Member Price
35 -
Non Member Price
Social Security Verification (SSV)
Course Details
Course Code
Course Length
2hrs -
Course Expiration
365 days -
Passing Score Required
Course Schedule
No courses scheduled.